Thursday, January 26, 2023


05-01-2023 上映, 144 分鐘, 英語(中文字幕)


Sony Pictures 2023年先聲奪人華麗呈獻 — 《雲妮侯斯頓:與愛共舞》(I Wanna Dance with Somebody),由《星聲夢裡人》《波希米亞狂想曲:搖滾傳說》幕後班底打造,聯同《霍金:愛的方程式》《教廷白煙》兩度金像提名編劇,以及著名音樂監製佳夫戴維斯(Clive Davis),將蜚聲國際的已故美國樂壇巨星雲妮侯斯頓(Whitney Houston)令人動容的歌聲及傳奇的一生,動人又真摰地重現大銀幕!

從新澤西合唱團的女孩到有史以來最暢銷又獲獎無數的樂壇天后,電影毫無保留地將雲妮侯斯頓(娜奧美艾奇 飾)的音樂天賦,對音樂的熱愛,星途上的順遂與失意,生活上的風波點滴一一呈現,同時展示了她複雜的內心及多面性,帶領觀眾走過一段鼓舞人心、卻令人心酸又感性的旅程。

雲妮侯斯頓多首家傳户曉的金曲將經典重現—〈I Will Always Love You〉、〈I Wanna Dance with Somebody〉、〈Greatest Love of All〉等,神還原這位樂壇巨星的超凡歌藝,勢必讓全球樂迷再次著迷!

導演: 凱西蘭蒙絲

演員: 娜奧美艾奇、史丹利杜斯、艾斯頓桑德斯、塔瑪拉杜尼、娜法莎威廉斯、卡克彼德斯



Opening on 05-01-2023, 144 minutes, English(Chinese Subtitles)


I Wanna Dance with Somebody is a powerful and triumphant celebration of the incomparable Whitney Houston. Directed by Kasi Lemmons, written by Academy Award® nominee Anthony McCarten, produced by legendary music executive Clive Davis and starring BAFTA Award® winner Naomi Ackie, the film is a no-holds-barred portrait of the complex and multifaceted woman behind The Voice. From New Jersey choir girl to one of the best-selling and most awarded recording artists of all time, audiences are taken on an inspirational, poignant—and so emotional—journey through Houston’s trailblazing life and career, with show-stopping performances and a soundtrack of the icon’s most beloved hits as you’ve never heard them before. Don’t you wanna dance?

Director: Kasi Lemmons

Cast: Naomi Ackie, Stanley Tucci, Ashton Sanders, Tamara Tunie, Nafessa Williams, Clarke Peters

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