Thursday, January 26, 2023


29-12-2022 上映, 150 分鐘, 英語(中文字幕)


強勢問鼎奧斯卡之作,影壇神話史匹堡半自傳鉅獻!啟發自史匹堡成長故事,平凡少年,如何成就非凡夢想?森美(基比拿貝 飾)童年時第一次接觸電影,便深深著迷,更以此為夢想,年紀小小便拍出不少新穎創作。可惜父親只當他的電影夢是無謂興趣,更因工作關係決定舉家搬到加州定居。面對陌生環境、同學排擠和家庭生活的不如意,森美陷入了人生低谷,甚至失去追夢的動力。然而一次偶然機會,令他重拾攝影機,更令他明白夢想對自己的意義:要經一番錘鍊,方能成就自己的傳奇。

導演: 史提芬史匹堡

演員: 米雪威廉絲、保羅戴路、薛夫洛根、基比拿貝、祖迪靴舒


The Fabelmans

Opening on 29-12-2022, 150 minutes, English(Chinese Subtitles)


Over the years, Sammy has become the de facto documentarian of his family’s adventures, as well as the director of his increasingly elaborate amateur film productions starring his sisters and friends. By 16, Sammy is both the primary observer and archivist of his family story, but when his family moves west, Sammy discovers a heartbreaking truth about his mother that will redefine their relationship and alter the future for himself and his entire family.

Director: Steven Spielberg

Cast: Michelle Williams, Paul Dano, Seth Rogen, Gabriel LaBelle, Judd Hirsch

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19-02-2023 上映, 190 分鐘, ---(---) 故事簡介 皇家芭蕾舞團全新作品以墨西哥近代經典小說為創作藍本,駐團編導Christopher Wheeldon再度與『愛麗絲夢遊仙境』及『冬天的故事』創作團隊合作,並由Joby Talbot編寫配樂及Bob Crow...