Friday, January 27, 2023


12-01-2023 上映, 123 分鐘, 英語(中文字幕)


《爸爸可否不要老》金像獎得主編導新作 — 心靈三部曲《兒子可否不要走》(The Son)由Sony Pictures榮譽發行,再次道出最難解的家庭關係,最深情、細膩又矛盾的父子之情… 帶來強烈的情感衝擊。

金像提名曉治積曼飾演事業有成的彼德,與前妻姬蒂(羅娜丹 飾)離婚不久,此刻正享受著與年輕新婚妻子貝芙(雲妮莎卻比 飾)及初生兒子的甜蜜新生活,可是當姬蒂帶著正值青春期的兒子尼古斯找上他時,他的生活發生了天翻地覆的轉變。尼古斯逃學多月,對人疏離心懷憤恨,為了照顧他,彼德決定讓他搬入自己新居同住。他想盡作為父親的責任,彌補並糾正兒子的問題,卻忽略了他內心複雜壓抑的感受,同時自己也被迫面對自身的成長經驗,以及一直以來與父親(安東尼鶴健士 飾)的心結。

導演: 科倫薩拉

演員: 曉治積曼、羅娜丹、雲妮莎卻比、詹麥格夫、安東尼鶴健士


The Son

Opening on 12-01-2023, 123 minutes, English(Chinese Subtitles)


A drama that follows a family as it struggles to reunite after falling apart. THE SON centers on Peter (Jackman), whose hectic life with his infant and new partner Beth (Kirby) is upended when his ex-wife Kate (Dern) appears with their son Nicholas (McGrath), who is now a teenager. The young man has been missing from school for months and is troubled, distant, and angry. Peter strives to take care of Nicholas as he would have liked his own father to have taken care of him while juggling work, his and Beth's new son, and the offer of his dream position in Washington. However, by reaching for the past to correct its mistakes, he loses sight of how to hold onto the Nicholas in the present.

Director: Florian Zeller

Cast: Hugh Jackman, Laura Dern, Vanessa Kirby, Zen McGrath, Anthony Hopkins

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